Juice up your media presence

Infojuice’s press review has the taste of your business

Do you want to know who is talking about you? With Infojuice’s press review service, we keep you up to date. We monitor print, radio, television, web and social media for you. We keep an eye on the local, national and international media landscape, intercept content relevant to your brand and serve you the gist of information, only that with the most interesting flavour for your business.

With our press review service we keep an eye on brands, competitors, specific product sectors, political news, economic trends and advertising. What can we monitor for you?

Why Infojuice?

With our press review service we help you find your way in the daily sea of information, with a virtuous combination of technological innovation and human sensitivity

In-depth analysis

We give you the news, but also the ‘juice’

Media intelligence

We use new technologies for your gain

Always up to date

Daily press review and regularly updated reports

Do you want to deepen your media presence?

Articles, media reports, blog posts, reviews, social comments: we listen to your stakeholders and understand what they think about your brand. Knowing this is strategic for positioning yourself in the market and planning your choices.
We analyse your competitors to provide you with useful information on what works in your industry, what to improve, what to avoid and how to develop winning strategies for your business.
Understanding the results of your brand communications is key to improving future ones. We tell you what didn’t work, so you can take action to optimise them.

Vitamins for your news!


Media monitoring

Paper, web, TV or radio? Who's been talking about me today! With Infojuice's press review service, we always know who talked about you, when and how. And we go beyond that. We can monitor competitors' activities, industry trends, market developments, or give you answers to help your business and marketing choices.


Media analysis

Everyone is talking about me. Yes, but what are they saying?! Our team of experts brings together the best of qualitative and quantitative analysis of journalistic content focused on you to serve you complete and accurate information, to provide you with those insights that are useful to your business and that only human intelligence can truly understand.

How does media monitoring work? It’s very simple!

Together we define media, keywords and thematic scenarios to be monitored. Then we take care of everything.

Radio and TV monitoring

From national radio to local television, from public to private broadcasters: nothing gets past us, all day long.

Press and web monitoring

Want to know who is talking about you in the national media or in a specific geographical area? No problem, we go everywhere.

Social Media Monitoring

We listen to the direct voice of customers and stakeholders and use their opinions to supplement your communication strategy.

International media monitoring

What are they saying about you in Germany? And in America? And do the French like your statement? We have the answers for you.

Would you like to activate your press review service?

We are here. Just a click away.